
Unable to swipe in Safari & Firefox (both on MacBook Pro and iPad)

ilkovs opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
Swiping doesn't work for Safari & Firefox. While I'm able to swipe in tablet mode in Chrome, the same is not possible in any other browser nor apple device (iPad). I have two other click functions to change to next/prev slide, now adding the swipe functionality for tablets.

I'm testing with pretty basic integration now.

const handlers = useSwipeable({
onSwipedLeft: () => changeIndex(actions.NEXT, null, true),
onSwipedRight: () => changeIndex(actions.PREV, null, true),
preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent: true,
trackTouch: true,
trackMouse: true,

Added the {...handlers} in the parent container that holds all the slides as well. TrackTouch and TrackMouse haven't improved anything as well.

Expected behavior
Smooth swipe on any browser/device.

** Device/Browser **
Safari - MacBook Pro (10.14.6 ) and iPad Mini 5th gen

Was it fixed?