
Forth and Music

Opened this issue · 6 comments

wexi commented

It's to drive his networked synthesizer board:

I'm curious if @postspectacular will port his synthesizer software to Forth? The end of his article seems to end on a high Forth note.

@larsbrinkhoff that's the idea, yes, but I can't promise yet how close to a standard impl this will (ever) be, nor when... been working on some ASM foundations (and studying existing resources) from which to slowly build up. my main use case is livecoding & music, though am not sure yet if the Forth parts will just be a frontend to ASM synth routines or if I'll end up with everything in Forth. Still early days, but will share progress as soon as more tangible...

My previous Forth idea prototyping env is here: - tiny 10KB JS based Forth system for testing out some WebAudio & WebGL ideas:

Hi everyone, thanks for inviting me! Waltz is a brand new idea a coworker put in my head yesterday... a portable music theory library written in Forth.

I'd been wanting to write a portable music theory library for a while -- the idea being that all of the logic only needs to be implemented once, then the library could somehow be easily reused in languages deriving from C, Java, JavaScript, etc.

So yesterday, my coworker suggested I try building it in Forth. So I've been looking into Forth more and it does seem ideal for this kind of thing. Looking forward to digging more into this!