
Starting FORTH Calculator Screen Keyboard on Scratch.MIT.Edu (#MOBLuSE_FORTH)

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I have made a FORTH compiler and interpreter for Scratch.MIT.Edu that is FOSS: .
This requires Flash in the browser, but you can also run it on and this only requires JavaScript in the browser. The instructions are only on Scratch.MIT.Edu and .

Type using these keyboard keys (due to Scratch limitations):
0-9, A-Z = types key. FORTH is case insensitive.
Arrow right = Full stop, <.>.
Arrow left = Backspace, <BS>.
Arrow down = Carriage return/Enter, <CR>.
Arrow up = Shift - pressed before 0-9, A-Z, <.>, <SPACE>, <CR>.
Shift+J = -. Shift+K = +. Shift+B = *. Shift+V = /. Shift+M = >. Shift+1 = !. Shift+2 = @. Shift+I = (. Shift+O = ). Shift+P = ". Shift+Arrow right = ,. Shift+Z = :. Shift+X = ;. Shift+C = ?.
Shift+A = Ask – this makes copying from a tutorial and pasting into Scratch possible – typographical quote-characters from pasted text are converted to ASCII.
Shift+SPACE = Break.

If you run this on a device w/o keyboard, you may use the screen keyboard by clicking the blue keyboard in the upper right corner (same as Shift+A / Arrow up+A).

I have made some new videos about this FORTH programming language and a FORTH playlist:

  1. (old) 1 min <-- Dec 26 2016
  2. (new) 1 min <-- Feb 2 2017
  3. (new) 1 min
  4. (new) 1 min
  5. (new) 1 min

There is an article about the project here: .

I played on both flash and javascript editions and they worked well.