
Issue : FCC Always Failing to generate Report and Showing Coverage Lines when the test runs fine

Closed this issue · 13 comments

FFC Log.txt

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: [Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit) Version 17.9.5
  • This extension: [FFC Version 1.1.214]
  • .Net core 3.1 Unit Test Project


It shows 0 all through in the table until i manually copy all the build files into the FFC build Ouput folder , then it shows the test coverage table in the log but not on the Coverage Report and it doesn't show line Covered as well . The attached is the log .

The issue is failure to generate the Report

"..coverage.xml is invalid. File does not exist netcoreapp3.1\fine-code-coverage\coverage-tool-output\scoring.dyslexia.testresponse.resolver.UnitTests.coverage.xml'
No report files specified. "

This file actually do exist in the stated location.

The attached fine contains the full log

Steps to recreate

  1. Replace this
  2. text with
  3. the steps
  4. to recreate

Current behavior

Explain what it's doing and why it's wrong

Expected behavior

Explain what it should be doing after it's fixed.

Can you share the solution ?

Have you tried with ms code coverage instead ?

Is your file system preventing FCC creating directories ?

Have you tried with ms code coverage instead ? I'm using VS Professional , not Enterprise . i believe MS Code Coverage is only available in Enterprise .

Can you share the solution ? It's a company solution , i won't be able to share it.

Is your file system preventing FCC creating directories ? No , i can see the directories and files created in this path ..\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\fine-code-coverage which contains the build-output and coverage-tool-output

Here are the screenshots

You can use ms code coverage with FCC. RunMsCodeCoverage Yes

If the cobertura file does exist can you post it

You can use ms code coverage with FCC. RunMsCodeCoverage Yes

This is the result when i did this
... -fcc-mscodecoverage-generated.runsettings was not created . only ..coverage.xml is in netcoreapp3.1\fine-code-coverage\coverage-tool-output directory

cobertura file
The xml file in the coverage too output is attached below , i had to zip it so it can go through

I will check the zip when I am at my laptop.

With both methods of collecting coverage there is the same issue. Perhaps we have hit windows file path length limitations.

I will check the zip when I am at my laptop.

With both methods of collecting coverage there is the same issue. Perhaps we have hit windows file path length limitations.

This didn't work

Same Outcome :

But when i copy my build files into netcoreapp3.1\fine-code-coverage\build-output manually , i get this which is a little improvement

There is till no Coverage Report

and No Coverage Lines

The error still persist as seen here

If the cobertura file does exist can you post it

This file was not generated

It is due to the file path lengths.

Do you really need the unit test directory to be nested that deep ?

Can you not have
C:\Workspace\scoring.dyslexia.testresponse.resolver\scoring.dyslexia.testresponse.resolver.UnitTests ?

Resolved , it worked when i restructured the project with shorter path . Thanks