
ESP32S3 Hairless MIDI on Serial

copych opened this issue · 3 comments


Please answer a few questions to help us understand your problem better and guide you to a solution:

  • What board are you using ?
    • LOLIN S3 Pro
    • i2s DAC and a microSD card via SDMMC
  • What version of the Arduino IDE are you using ?
    • both 1.8.19 and 2.3.1
  • How are you using MIDI ?
    • Hardware Serial (DIN plugs)
    • USB
    • Serial port of the board which corresponds to the UART0 and which is available thru the on-board USB type-c, I want Hairless MIDI to transmit data from PC to ESP32S3.
  • Is your problem related to:
    • MIDI Input (reading messages from other devices)
    • MIDI Output (sending messages to other devices)
  • How comfortable are you with code ?
    • Complete beginner
    • I've done basic projects
    • I know my way around C/C++
    • Advanced / professional

Describe your project and what you expect to happen:

I have tried all the ways of starting a MIDI IN on a Serial 115200 for Hairless MIDI. But no luck. Now I use the current version of the library downloaded from here.

Describe your problem (what does not work):

Steps to reproduce

for example, this code won't compile, nevertheless I have tried variants that compile but kept quiet.

struct CustomBaudRateSettings : public MIDI_NAMESPACE::DefaultSerialSettings {
  static const long BaudRate = 115200;

#if defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) || defined(USBCON) || defined(__MK20DX128__) || defined(__MK20DX256__) || defined(__MKL26Z64__)
    // Leonardo, Due and other USB boards use Serial1 by default.
    MIDI_NAMESPACE::SerialMIDI<HardwareSerial, CustomBaudRateSettings> serialMIDI(Serial1);
    MIDI_NAMESPACE::MidiInterface<MIDI_NAMESPACE::SerialMIDI<HardwareSerial, CustomBaudRateSettings>> MIDI((MIDI_NAMESPACE::SerialMIDI<HardwareSerial, CustomBaudRateSettings>&)serialMIDI);
    MIDI_NAMESPACE::SerialMIDI<HardwareSerial, CustomBaudRateSettings> serialMIDI(Serial);
    MIDI_NAMESPACE::MidiInterface<MIDI_NAMESPACE::SerialMIDI<HardwareSerial, CustomBaudRateSettings>> MIDI((MIDI_NAMESPACE::SerialMIDI<HardwareSerial, CustomBaudRateSettings>&)serialMIDI);

I try to receive midi data from the PC to the ESP32S3 via Hairless MIDI as I used to some time ago, but I can't. I only manage to run classical MIDI IN on a selected RX pin, so I also have to run some kind of a media convertor on a Arduino Micro Pro, which is actually is an unneeded extra in my case.

You are probably using the Release version (Arduino Lib manager). Using custom baud rates require the latest code (either fork or download the latest)

I use the version downloaded from this repo, from the master branch.
Is there a 100% working code for an ESP32S3 Hairless Midi on Serial that someone has successfully run on certain versions of IDE and ESP Arduino core? I would reproduce the environment and see if it works for me.
BTW, what is the correct Serial name for ESP32s3 board? When I use 'Serial' it ruins during compilation. The best that I could imagine was 'Serial0', this way it compiles but no events received (((

Update: I have finally managed to run Hairless MIDI. The problem is somewhere in the board definition file(s). I haven't investigated it deeply, but as I have changed the board from the "LOLIN S3 Pro" to the generic "ESP32S3 Dev Module", everything worked fine. Sorry for bothering.