Issue with Ableton and midi "feedback"
nicolasvair opened this issue · 7 comments
This was first posted in the BLE-midi repo here.
First thank you for this fantastic repo. I'm doing a "4 knobs" wireless controller using encoders and led ring.
The idea is to be able to control a parameter from various devices and have led feedback on each of them. The other being midi fighter twister is also based on encoders and led rings.
I came across a strange behavior, if arduino is connected to computer through BLE-midi, I have a strange behavior on ableton parameters mapped to midi CC. Not sure how to describe it, it is jerky.
Important to note, this is independent of my code. I can upload a bare minimum code for connecting, and still have the issue. Even without :
For example I have the issue with this code :
#include <BLEMIDI_Transport.h>
//#include <hardware/BLEMIDI_ESP32_NimBLE.h>
//#include <hardware/BLEMIDI_ESP32.h>
//#include <hardware/BLEMIDI_nRF52.h>
#include <hardware/BLEMIDI_ArduinoBLE.h>
unsigned long t0 = millis();
bool isConnected = false;void setup()
MIDI.begin();pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);BLEMIDI.setHandleConnected( {
isConnected = true;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
MIDI.sendControlChange(1, 1, 1);
});BLEMIDI.setHandleDisconnected( {
isConnected = false;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
void loop()
Maybe related to how the arduino send a "confirmation" of the received CC from ableton ?
When I look into details, ableton sends values like : 24, 25, 27, 22, 29, 32, 35 ...
But it only happens with this device and this repo. I thought it may be related to bluetooth latency first, but I don't have any issue using TouchOsc on iPhone... so lathoub advised to post here.
Any hints where to look at ?
Thank you 🙏
Could you try a wired connection -- MIDI DIN (with Thru off) or USB -- to rule out an issue in the Bluetooth stack?
Hi, thank you for your answer
I tried USB by adding :
#include <USB-MIDI.h>
But I get the following errors :
- #error MIDIUSB can only be used with an USB MCU.
and #error "Unsupported architecture"
I'm using a arduino nano ble sense, it seems that it can't act as general compliant usb device (not sure I understood all of it).
From what I checked rapidly, using DIN midi would require buying octocouplers and electronics..
Do you have any other idea how to try usb or din ?
Or maybe ther ie another test that I could do before diving into this ? A "debug" or "verbose" to check what packages are sent and come back but at a lower level than midi ?
I suspect it is the "confirmation" of received message sent by computer or midi device but I don't know if it works like this.
So it seems to be related to midi thru...
I'm not sure if the issue is related to BLE-midi or forty-seven
If I try a MIDI.turnThruOff(); before or after MIDI.begin(MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI); it doesn't disable the thru.
My post in BLE-midi is here
It is a real bummer because Ableton sees it as a feedback loop and disable all automation...
Indeed, Thru doesn't make sense for non-serial transports. @lathoub I remember you added a way to dictate whether Thru was enabled or not per transport?
I remember you added a way to dictate whether Thru was enabled or not per transport?
Correct, thruActivated
is set per library. Serial MIDI (this library)
Line 54 in 2d64cc3
In packet based overrides (aka packet based protocol), thruActivated
is set to false;
So in BLE MIDI, MIDI Thru is disabled, and MIDI notes should not be echoed.
Thank you for your answers.
Maybe dumb question but what about midi CC ? My issue is with midi CC.
Also following lathoub advices on this post, I used this branch.
Thank you