
Lookup Table Wrongly Reordered in HasManyFacet

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi all,

I've been using the system for a while now, and it has been working great for me. However, I've added a new facet, and am running into an issue.

I have 5 relavent models/tables


has_many :languages, :through => :indexed_writers_languages
has_many :ethnicities, :through => :indexed_writers_ethnicities

When I introduce facets for language and ethnicity

class WriterSearch < FortyFacets::FacetSearch
    model 'IndexedWriter' # which model to search for
    facet :ethnicities, name: "Ethnicities"
    facet :languages, name: "Languages"

Languages works perfectly, but throws ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "ethnicities_indexed_writers" when I try the other.

After some debugging I've determined the source of the issue is where the join table gets calculated:

The sort in this line resolves the join table indexed_writers_languages correctly since 'i' < 'l', but it does resolve the ethnicities join table as ethnicities_indexed_writers. This obviously is wrong, and for my case I can change the line to:

join_name = [].join('_')

But this change breaks a test.

Please advise!

For others in this boat - this lexicagraphic ordering is the rails default, FF is following that convention -- it might be better to read the through table off the model, but this behaves in-line with rails generally.