
export cannot work with file-base notes

Opened this issue · 0 comments


  • I can reproduce the bug with the latest version given here.
  • I made sure that there are no existing issues - open or closed - to which I could contribute my information.
  • I made sure that there are no existing discussions - open or closed - to which I could contribute my information.
  • I have read the FAQs inside the app (Menu -> About -> FAQs) and my problem isn't listed.
  • I have taken the time to fill in all the required details. I understand that the bug report will be dismissed otherwise.
  • This issue contains only one bug.
  • I have read and understood the contribution guidelines.

Affected app version


Affected Android/Custom ROM version

android13/xiaomi hyperos

Affected device model

xiaomi redmi k40 (alioth)

How did you install the app?

F-Droid / IzzyOnDroid

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. open app
  2. open a txt file in edit mode (the first mode, so as to write changes to the txt file when edited)
  3. export this note, now the txt and exported json are same
  4. edit the note and export again
  5. now the newly exported json is same as the previous one, without containing my editing
    (the auto backup function sames to be affected by this bug too)

Expected behavior

every export can contain every changes in file-base mode

Actual behavior

each exported file-based notes are always same

Screenshots/Screen recordings

No response

Additional information

No response