construct a random field with prescribed spectral slope
Opened this issue · 2 comments
liasiegelman commented
I would like to construct a random initial field with a prescribed spectral slope x. If Energy = \int E(k) k dk then E(k) ~ k^{-x}.
As suggested by Navid, maybe we can iterate on peakedisotropicspectrum to implement this.
liasiegelman commented
I think this should do
function slopedisotropicspectrum(grid::TwoDGrid{T, A}, slope::Real; mask=ones(size(grid.Krsq)), allones=false) where {T, A}
if grid.Lx !== grid.Ly
error("the domain is not square")
modk = sqrt.(grid.Krsq)
modψ = A(zeros(T, (grid.nk,
modψ = @. modk^((slope-1)/2)
#modψ[1, 1] = 0.0
CUDA.@allowscalar modψ[1, 1] = 0.0
phases = randn(Complex{T}, size(grid.Krsq))
phases_real, phases_imag = real.(phases), imag.(phases)
phases = A(phases_real) + im * A(phases_imag)
ψh = @. phases * modψ
if allones; ψh = modψ; end
ψh = ψh .* A(mask)
q = A(irfft(ψh, grid.nx))
return q
navidcy commented
So what you want is a function that returns a field q
for which if energy is