
Question: Zen pinbal FX tables

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It's not an issue, but a question.
I see that zen pinball FX tables are listed in the json file.
Mostly the tables that are on vpx as well, but also a few "zen only" tables.
But I don't see all the released tables.
Any change that the json file will be updated to contain all the records (and will be updated in the future?)

Hi there,
Yes, the remaining Pinball FX tables Will be added. I kind of forgot about them. Good thing you mentioned it. :)

I'm adding them as we speak. It will take a while though as I'm including the designer(s), finding and adding a playfield images and all other available information as well.

Awesome ! thanks for that.
Are you also going to put the FX table ID in it, so we can link it to the table from a front end ?

As promised, I've just added all 108 current tables with all information i could find on various websites including the FX table ID (table xxx).

Here's the original message I just posted on Discord and Facebook:

"For fans of Pinball FX; as of today all (108 current) Pinball FX tables have been added to VPS.
I've tried to add as much information as i could find from Steam, Wiki and PinballFX's own pages, so most fields are filled in.
This also includes the GameFileNames (Table xxx) to use them with a frontend. You can find these in both a special field and in the 'Comment' field.

Sadly i can't test these myself, since i don't own the program, but let me know in the comments if it works.

If you want to make a quick PuPlookup file with only the Pinball FX tables, Select 'FX' under 'Features' and it will only export those selected tables.
See the accompanied image."

Thanks, I really appreciate it.
I will check if all data is correct and if I can use it with PinballX.
Again: big thanks !

EDIT: Looked a bit, and I can see all the info ! Thanks you !

Not sure, but think I found 1 small issue.
Table Thor has 2 entries for "fx" , but one should be "fx3" (as 1 of the entries has gamefilename from fx3)
But for the rest of the tables, all looks good. I

Not sure, but think I found 1 small issue. Table Thor has 2 entries for "fx" , but one should be "fx3" (as 1 of the entries has gamefilename from fx3) But for the rest of the tables, all looks good. I

Thank you for the heads-up @MikedaSpike . It should be fixed now. :)

you can close this issue (dind't check the last, but I believe you)