
Ask Bogdan Hrastnik for license selection. GPL V3

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Would it be possible to ask Bogdan Hrastnik for their preference on an open source license selection? Since packaging it for, we've had folks ask about it and I'd like to give them some guidance on whether they're allowed to use it at their company of for their freelance projects. I couldn't locate any contact info for them. Thanks!

Would it be possible to ask Bogdan Hrastnik for their preference on an open source license selection?

I dont know how to contact him. So the short answer is: No.

I have added my view on the license at the bottom of the README.MD. In short: I could never find a statement from Bogdan about license, so for me, (I'm only continuing his work), it would be weird to add a license statement.


Thanks Frank. If anyone does find a way to contact Bogdan Hrastnik, please let us know.


All of sudden, this license matter started moving. Meanwhile we have a statement from Bogdan Hrastnik, via Phil Harvey.

Will reopen this issue and update things.

License added to Github

About form and installer will be updated with V631