
gitlab 9 以后不支持

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gitlab 9 以后不支持

gitlab都出到9了? 你们公司用了么?


I would love to see gitlab 9 support 😍

I looked a bit into the code and i think it is due to that it can't find the api_token

var getPrivateToken = function(strXml) {
var arrXmlNode;
// var private_token;
var objXml = {};
if ($('head script[type="text/javascript"]').contents()[0]) {
arrXmlNode = strXml.toString().split(';')
} else {
if ($('head script').contents()[0]) {
arrXmlNode = strXml.toString().split(';')
} else {
return false;
for (var i = 1; i < arrXmlNode.length - 1; i++) {
var item = arrXmlNode[i].split('=');
var key = item[0];
var value = item[1];
objXml[key] = value;
for (var key in objXml) {
if (key === 'gon.api_token') {
private_token = objXml[key];
if (private_token) {
private_token = private_token.replace(/\"/g, '');
} else {
return false;
return private_token;

@agvald Yes, you are right, can't find the api_token in gitlab 9..
Fortunately, I found a new way to get the api_token in gitlab9, I will upgrade the code in these days.

thank you.



houko commented


Im looking forward to use gitlab 9.

@tomothumb @xiaomoinfo @zidoshare @FrendEr @jackcooper2015

now support gitlab 9.x please upgrade the chrome extension to use.