
Create wheels in the dumbest way

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create wheels in the dumbest way possible without any framework, pre-compilation, using the latest JS syntax, and without webpack, babel, SCSS, require, npm, and even semicolons!!! All the code is open source for easy reading.


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How to Read the Source Code

From easy to difficult:

  1. Tabs
  2. Pager
  3. FullPage
  4. Calendar
  5. Image Picker
  6. Date Library
  7. DOM Library
  8. BOM Library

How to Run

  1. git clone https://github.com/FrankFang/wheels.git
  2. cd wheels
  3. Open index.html in a browser.

Future Wheels to Be Built

  • Image Placeholder
  • Image Lazy Loading
  • Custom Template
  • Pull-to-Refresh
  • Typeahead
  • Form Validation
  • Dialog
  • Carousel