
Abstraction layer for SensorThings API query and filter functions

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SensorThings API: query and filter functions

The SensorThings API offers many built-in query and filter functions for queries to the SensorThings Service.
Some examples:

  • st_within: Find things in an area
  • eq: Find things where some property equals some value
  • distance: Calculate the distance between two points

The full documentation can be found here: OGC SensorThings API Part 1: Sensing in section

Current state

Currently it is possible to add filters to queries by calling filter() on a query: method definition
This method takes a string which is placed into the query which means that part of the query has to be defined manually.


It would be great if filters could be controlled with built-in methods.
A query could for example have a list of filters where each filter has a operation and a list of arguments.
This would provide a layer of abstraction so that users of the FROST-Client don't have to know the SensorThings API Syntax.

Yes, this would be very nice to have, but also a lot of work to implement.

This is also related to #37, since Filters can be used in Expands...