
Suggestion: sizeof (by the maker of ImDisk) Shows compressed or sparse size rather than virtual size for files or directories

Logic-Elliven opened this issue · 2 comments 13.2 KB (64 bit)

"Shows total size on disk for files or directories. For directories it shows total for all files in that directory, it uses backup privileges (if available) to count all files, regardless of whether the current user can access them or not. It also

shows compressed or sparse size rather than virtual size for such files.

This tool counts one file only once, even if there are several hard links to the same physical file. There is also an option to skip reparse points (to let subdirectory search stay within one filesystem)."

I just thought this may be helpful. (To Freaky..? The other apps also look like they may be worth a look)

LTR-Data is the site of the maker of ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver and Arsenal Image Mounter BTW. Not some arb hacker.

I don't think this is going to be of any direct use - not least because I can't find any source code for it - but it did remind me to pull in my inode filter from dua-cli to skip duplicate files in 0.11, so thanks for that!