
Integration with CLion

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I look for the best way to integrate toolchain with CLion IDE (currently 2020.1.1)


Previously I had this configuration:


Anyway IDE was compiling based on gnu-eabi present in the system
Now for stability and compatibility I want assure recomended toolchain

@FreddieChopin I wondering what part of cross compilation is steered with CMake and what part of GUI. Till now CLion takes arm gnu-eabi installed in system but following your advice I want to switch to Bleeding Edge

I never used CLion, so I really don't know what should be configured and what can be left at the default. It seems that you can configure bleeding-edge-toolchain's binaries (the ones from top-level bin/ folder, executables prefixed with arm-none-eabi-) as it's hard to imagine any problem from such setup. I guess that with proper CMake integration (most likely based on CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS and generated compile_commands.json) the settings you shown above will only affect detection of toolchain include paths (files like stdio.h, string.h and so on) and toolchain "internal" defines (things like ranges for fixed-width types etc.).

I wondering what part of cross compilation is steered with CMake and what part of GUI.

Everything is controller by CMake-generated files. GUI should never interfere with anything is such scenario.