

mjordan1738 opened this issue · 17 comments

Hi, r u using visual studio & if so what version u using to compile

Visual Studio 2015.
Target platform is .NET Framework 4.0

Aight thx for ur reply
I have some issues compiling (debugging) the .cs files into one .dll file. Id have an idea if it's cause I'm using a different .NET Framework version (4.6) or just cause I ain't doing it right.

I fixed my problem.
May I ask u about the infected mode.
I saw ur code & u made a string where u enabled the knife for infected. There's a problem about something considering the infected players. I think the lambadmin is overriding something in a .dsr file because the infected can't get anything like tactical insertion etc.. I found nothing in ur codes that were disabling that so may I ask u for ur help.

Maybe there?

if (Call<string>("getdvar", "g_gametype") == "infect")

You're playing infected with enabled settings_isnipe right?

if (weapon == "iw5_usp45_mp_tactical" && Call<string>("getdvar", "g_gametype") == "infect" && attacker.GetTeam() != "allies") return;
That should give me a tactical insertion right

Is there no cmd to disable the isnipe mode in-game?

I realized this feature a few days ago.
You can disable isnipe mode in settings.txt, then add to your iSnipe DSRs:

//#DGAdmin settings settings_isnipe=true

So isnipe mode will be enabled for isnipe DSRs, and disabled for reg guns.

The feature called «Dynamic Properties», you can override any DGAdmin setting from DSR.

"strictly disable feature in case of /admin folder exists"
Does that means that I will have to use the /players2 folder instead of the /admin folder?

Yes, use /players2

//#DGAdmin settings settings_isnipe=true
Where am I supposed to put that (srry I'm beginner in C# coding)

In example, if you run server with "sndisnipe.dsr",
put this string in the beginning of "players2/sndisnipe.dsr"
so isnipe mode will be enabled only for sndisnipe.dsr

Lol I mean in what file? Srry I'm so dumb

Nvm its broken now. Wait for v3.5 release.

Ow I found it lol I'm so f*cking stupid srry
I didn't understand it first time becuz // meant a comment to me in C# but not in a dsr file lol