
Cannot pull wikitext for non-Wikipedia wiki

TheDocTrier opened this issue · 4 comments

Everything seems to be working fine when using English Wikipedia. However, when I change the host to and attempt to pull a page, all I get is an error notification which says undefined! undefined. It's too cryptic for me to understand, so I thought I should report it here.

Are there any other prompt messages when using View Page, Post or other functions?

I need more information to determine the problem.🤔

View the page seems to work fine. Trying to post yields the error messages:

Command 'Wikitext: Post your edit to the website' resulted in an error (badtoken: Invalid token)

and also a generic


That site uses a really old version of MediaWiki: 1.23.16

@siddharthvp Yes, I also noticed this. Maybe this is the reason for the error: a different API return or Token category.

However, I am very busy recently. In order to test this old version of mediawiki, I need to go to the website to register an account or find an old version to build a test environment.

I have to wait until I have time to spend some time to resolve it.