
Can we make the texts between <ref> and </ref> dimmed?

loganteo opened this issue · 7 comments

Can we make the texts between <ref> and </ref> dimmed? Just like wikEd does
The texts are so unrecognizable right now, especially when there are a lot of references
習慣用 vs code 編輯條目,找正文看到眼睛快瞎了

The extension will only tell VSCode what type of text is, not the color. The choice of color depends on the theme of VSCode. There is no reliable way to specify a certain type of text so that the color of the text must be more dimmed than elsewhere.

I might try to make the plain text in the ref tags have a different type to distinguish it from the main text.(e.g. <ref>BookName, ISBN 000</ref>) But for templates and other types of text,(e.g. <ref>{{template}}</ref>)

At last but not the least, it's suggested for me that naming a ref and putting it in the references chapter of the article. This is a good writing practice. As follows:

Hello<ref name="hello" />

== References ==
<ref name="hello">this is a hello</ref>




thank you for your reply and advice, but I'm mostly working on translations instead of creating new articles, that means that it would be much difficult for me to move all those references over just bear it and find texts between refs. So I'll just wait and see what you can do

I redefine the categories of some elements, including ref tags, and then launched a sample survey among some users, but the result is that many people seem to dislike this change. A better solution is to use a language server to make the text structure more explicit and provide some contextual support, but I don't have enough time to do so at present.



I redefine the categories of some elements, including ref tags, and then launched a sample survey among some users, but the result is that many people seem to dislike this change. A better solution is to use a language server to make the text structure more explicit and provide some contextual support, but I don't have enough time to do so at present.



Thank you for your work! So the changes are not going to publish right? It's fine by me because I've found a workaround for this which is to paste the source code then use the visual editor for contrasting.

Yes, it will be changed. That just means that the default options will not be changed.

Here is an improvement method, I will define the content in ref as meta.embedded.block.ref.wikitext (tentative). After that, you can customize the colors you need through the editor.tokenColorCustomizations in the user settings.

How to do it:
Annotation 2021-05-29 174303

Yes, it will be changed. That just means that the default options will not be changed.

Here is an improvement method, I will define the content in ref as meta.embedded.block.ref.wikitext (tentative). After that, you can customize the colors you need through the editor.tokenColorCustomizations in the user settings.

How to do it:
Annotation 2021-05-29 174303

This effect has been adjusted separately, and the name of the range has been determined to be contentName: meta.embedded.block.ref.wikitext (It may change in the future). In addition, you can even adjust this part to be transparent.

Annotation 2021-05-29 174303