
FTS zero touch fails at TASK [videoserver : Set service state]

dtatum opened this issue · 4 comments

FTS zero touch fails at TASK [videoserver : Set service state]

clean ubuntu 20.04/x86 install on ESXi 6.5. script last grabbed at 1200PDT 2022.05.09.

install process...

wget -qO - >
chmod 760
sudo ./

process fails with

TASK [videoserver : Set service state] **************************************************************************************************
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (20 retries left).
<deleted repeat lines>
FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Set service state (1 retries left).
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"attempts": 20, "changed": false, "msg": "Unable to start service rtsp-simple-server: "}

worked yesterday evening (2022.05.08) on same server (reverted with VMware snapshot).

fixed in

tested build b9fdbd1 in same environment, still getting the same problem of TASK [videoserver : Set service state] timing out.

tried editing roles/videoserver/tasks/main.yml and got same results.


version from 2022.05.08 was last working version (for me).

i am still getting the issue with the videoserver not wanting to set the server state. Using zerotouch installer with no additional flags on ubuntu server 20.04.4

$ cat /var/log/rtsp-simple-server/*:

2022/09/01 07:56:20 INF rtsp-simple-server v0.20.0
2022/09/01 07:56:20 INF [RTSP] listener opened on :8554 (TCP)
2022/09/01 07:56:20 INF [RTMP] listener opened on :1935
2022/09/01 07:56:20 INF [HLS] listener opened on :8888
2022/09/01 07:56:20 ERR listen tcp 123.456.789.012:9997: bind: cannot assign requested address
2022/09/01 07:56:20 INF [RTSP] listener is closing
2022/09/01 07:56:20 INF [HLS] listener is closing
2022/09/01 07:56:20 INF [RTMP] listener is closing
2022/09/01 07:56:20 INF waiting for external commands
2022/09/01 07:56:27 INF rtsp-simple-server v0.20.0

$ cat /opt/rtsp-simple-server.yml |grep 123.456.789.012:

apiAddress: 123.456.789.012:9997
metricsAddress: 123.456.789.012:9998

I think I found the issue. The script is inserting global IPs in couple places, which don't work behind NAT. should be used instead.