Film/Fiche range not set correctly

Closed this issue · 6 comments

stwf commented

The Header details will not upload if the Film/Fiche Range is included as it gives too many 'parts'. I don't believe any of the other 'parts can be eliminated. I will include the range in my next page and send you the error message - I have already corrected it in this file.

An observation regarding the "Film/Fiche Range" field. I have never had to use this field for transcribing information. The only reference I have used both in the earlier MacBMD software and your software was/is to enter details in the "Number/FreeBMDRef" field in the form "L-M/ANC-05". Where "L-M" is the range of Surnames and "ANC-05" identifies the group reference. However, I can see from the transcribed file that entering something in BOTH fields would cause the problem you have outlined.

stwf commented

Any suggestions of a resolution to this?

I believe the use of the two fields, Film/Fiche Range and Number/FreeBMDRef are driven by the Source>Format Entry. Perhaps one solution would be to 'Defocus' one or other of the two subject fields depending upon Source>Format entry. That way the number of parts available would not be exceeded. However, I have not yet delved into the logical relationships of the Source>Format entry to the Number/FreeBMDRef and Film/Fiche Range entries.

I have done some research on this issue and it as I suspected it is the Source>Format entry that determines the format for the Source entries. You may have already found this information, if so apologies for the duplication.

There are 4 type of Source Information Lines:

Fiche Info which entry format is +F,Year,Quarter,FicheRange,FicheNumber,Source,TranscriptionDate.
Microfilm Info which entry format is +M,Year,Quarter,FilmRange,FilmNumber,Source, TranscriptionDate.
Book Info which entry format is +B,Year,Quarter,Source,TranscriptionDate
Scan Info which entry format is +S,Year,Quarter,FreeBMDReference,TranscriptionDate

The good news is that the Scan info is the only source type that is used with scans provided by the FreeBMD project.

So the simplistic solution may be to post a warning that the other three source types are not available which will leave the interface intact should FreeBMD choose to invoke the other source type entries.

Opps missed the comments regarding the source Modal window. Perhaps the Film/Fiche Range and Source Location text entries should also be made unavailable.

stwf commented

ok, instead of disabling the interface, I just made the code smart enough to always give a valid Source line. Thanks so much for the research!

Fixed in 1.0.8