
Not narrating accessible name of not focusable row via aria-activedescendant

Closed this issue · 2 comments


With Google Chrome, when the aria-activedescendant attribute is used on an input with role="combobox" and refers to a row inside a grid, the accessible name of the row is not narrated upon that combobox focus if the row is both not focusable and does not have either aria-label or aria-labelledby attribute. Instead, only "row"is narrated upon that combobox focus.

The example code is below:

<input type="text" role="combobox" aria-label="Type here" aria-activedescendant="descendant-row1">
<div role="grid">
    <div id="descendant-row1" role="row">
        <div role="gridcell">This is a descendant</div>

Steps to reproduce

  1. Visit the example page.
    2 . Navigate to the "Start here" button using the Tab key.
  2. Press the Tab key to navigate to the "Type here" combobox.
  3. Listen to the JAWS narration.

Expected result

JAWS should narrate: "This is a descendant. Row".

Actual result

JAWS instead narrates just: "Row".


Example is here.

Additional comments

JAWS version and build number

JAWS 2023.2307.37.

Operating System and version

Microsoft Windows 11.

Browser and version:

The issue has been observed in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Mozilla Firefox does not exhibit the issue.

please review the accessibility tree in chrome, in the first case the row does not have an accessible name, thus will not be announced. This is not a JAWS bug.

the row has an empty accessible name

Sorry, my bad. I have reported the bug for Chromium #324786153