
Nested Table Read Twice

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I made a nested table to check how JAWS would handle it. JAWS reads through the nested table twice before announcing the end of the document. Within each of the last four cells, a label for a span is present. The span has no actual content and instead is provided an aria-label of "blank"

Brief description of the issue. Please list any specific steps.


  1. Go to
  2. Shift-Tab back to the About link

Expected result

I'd expect the nested table to only be read through once.

What did you expect to happen?

Actual result

The nested table was read through twice.

What actually did happen?



A test case that demonstrates the issue - provide linked test case, CodePen, JSbin, etc...

Additional Information

JAWS version and build number

JAWS 2023.2402.1

Operating System and version

Windows 11, 23H2

Browser and version:

Google Chrome, 124.0.6367.208

Thanks @BrysonRJones will look into it

Is this part of the test case code meant to be of any significance?

 <label for="4">Size</label>
                            <span id="4" aria-label="blank"></span>

There's no particular significance -- just labels with some text

@BrysonRJones I asked because the following code pattern is meaningless:

label/for will only label a  labelable standard HTML element

<label for="1">Status</label>
<span id="1" aria-label="blank"></span>

I cleaned up the test case

I cannot reproduce the issue with JAWS 2024.2406.121