
Jaws 2024 does not let users interact with custom listboxes

Opened this issue · 4 comments


Jaws 2024 (with Chrome/Edge) breaks listbox interaction:

  • You can't find the listbox element (it is not announced as a combobox), either with the "c" key, "f" key, when you tab to it, or when navigate to it in browse mode.
  • Focusing on the listbox element does not trigger forms mode


  1. Navigate to this Scrollable listbox example from APG
  2. Try to navigate to the Trans-uranium elements listbox by any means (using the "c" or "f" shortcut keys, by tabbing, in with arrow keys in browse mode).

Expected result

  • Jas announces the combobox when you navigate to it (regardless of navigation method)
  • Jas triggers forms mode (to let the user interact with the listbox using the arrow keys)

Actual result

You cant navigate to the listbox with shortcut keys

If you navigate to it in browse mode You hear: "Trans uranium elements: " announced as plain text. Forms mode is not triggered.

JAWS version and build number

This happens with all Jaws 2024 versions I have tested

  • It works fine with all older Jaws versions I have tested (including 2023, 2022, and 2021)

It works fine with NVDA and Voiceover. ;)

Browser and version

This happens with Jaws 2024 in all recent versions of Chrome and Edge.
It works as expected with Firefox.


I have already submitted this issue via email, I believe there is already a ticket for it, but given the impact on people trying to develop or use listbox patterns it seemed appropriate to file a copy of this issue publically.
Sorry in advance if this causes any confusion.

thanks for raising it @Wildebrew, one for @BrettLewisVispero

I cannot confirm the error. I have tested with Chrome 126.0.6478.127 and JAWS 2024.2310.70 and all JAWS outputs are correct and unchanged with respect to older JAWS versions

I am seeing this with the following combinations:
Jaws 2024.2046.121

With either
Chrome 126.0.6478.127
Edge: 126.0.2592.102

I also have feedback from multiple Jaws users having difficulty with a webpage that builds on this pattern.
I can't say 100% for sure but it seems like they all started experiencing this after upgrading to Jaws 2024.

Imported into ADO as bug 91733