
Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

=== Whimsy+Colors ===
Contributors: thefanciful
Tags: colors, button, content boxes, divider, recent post list, category list, icons
Donate link: http://bit.ly/whimsysc
Requires at least: 3.9
Tested up to: 4.0
Stable tag: 1.0.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Lovely colors for lovely websites.

== Description ==
Whimsy+Colors is a lightweight plugin featuring a handful of pretty buttons, info boxes, an accordion, dividers, and more.

Don't rely on a theme to provide your site with awesome colors, switch to the Whimsy+Colors plugin so you can change your theme on a whim.

<li>Made with CSS3.</li>
<li>FontAwesome icons.</li>
<li>Shortcode wizard for easy use!</li>
<li>Buttons in multiple colors and sizes.</li>
<li>Custom category and recent post listing colors.</li>
<li>Content boxes: Plain, Info, Download, Warning, Tick, Heart.</li>
<li>Accordion and panels for toggling content. </li>
<li>Content dividers in 3 styles.</li>
<li>Font Awesome icon colors.</li>

More information and examples can be found at the [Whimsy+Colors Colors](http://colors.thefanciful.com/plugins/colors/ "Whimsy+Colors Colors").

<li>Serbo-Croatian (sr_RS) - [Borisa Djuraskovic](http://www.webhostinghub.com/ "Borisa Djuraskovic")</li>

== Installation ==
1. Unzip and upload \"whimsy-colors.zip\" to the \"/wp-content/plugins/\" directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the \"Plugins\" menu in WordPress.
3. Start using your pretty new colors!

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Is there a demo of Whimsy+Colors? =

Please visit [Whimsy+Colors on The Fanciful](http://thefanciful.com/plugins/colors/ "Whimsy+Colors on The Fanciful") for a full demo of all the colors included in this plugin.

= What colors are included? =

You can view all colors available in the [Whimsy+Colors Colors](http://colors.thefanciful.com/plugins/colors/ "Whimsy+Colors Colors").

== Changelog ==
= 1.0.1 =
* Removed: Superfluous pop-up shortcode from shortcode-tinymce-button.js.
* New: Translation support for Serbo-Croatian (sr_RS) - Thanks to [Borisa Djuraskovic](http://www.webhostinghub.com/ "Borisa Djuraskovic").
= 1.0 =
* Initial release.

== To-Do ==
* Auto-select text when highlighted for shortcode content.
* A smarter shortcode wizard with conditional arguments.