
IaC for my personal projects

Primary LanguageHCL


This contains IaC for my personal projects.


  • brew install opentofu sops age
  • touch .envrc
  • setup opentofu by cd tf && tofu init
  • write into .envrc export SOPS_AGE_KEY=<path/to/your/age-file.txt>

Cluster naming

This is a fully qualified cluster name: <purpose><counter>-<region>-<domain> e.g. app1-euc-76k-io. Domain part can be omitted, because it is used to uniquely identify the cluster.

all current purposes:

  • app: cluster hosting all kinds of applications

all current regions:

  • euc: europe central


  • scripts should always expect being executed in the root directory i.e ./bin/flux-push.
  • flux artifacts should be pushed into ghcr.io/freggy/infra/flux
  • first step when bootstrapping a cluster is to decrypt and apply sops-cluster.key.secret.sops.yaml first then apply main kustomization
  • .sops.yaml needs to be present in flux-push image