
Recent commit (ce44911) breaks CustomCSS (possibly others)

edwrap opened this issue · 7 comments

Commit: ce44911

Reposting my comment from the commit for added visibility:
The CustomCSS extension is broken after this commit (possibly others, too, but this is the only one I use). On a new install of FreshRSS today, CustomCSS config page is blank, and enabling the extension breaks FreshRSS entirely. Downloaded version immediately before this commit and it works as usual

Thanks for the heads up.
What FreshRSS version on which setup (Docker image, PHP version...)

Latest FreshRSS stable (1.22.1) nginx/sqlite/PHP version on Debian 12, which is using PHP 8.2

This is working with the FreshRSS edge release - my mistake!

Let me try to make a better fix. It should work at least with the latest release as well. But I can see that there is first a bit of cleaning to do...

rfog commented

The problem is still with FreshRSS 1.22.1 and last commit (6148b58). After uploading the extension and refresh, you get an Error 500. I don't know how to get my PHP version as I'm using a 3rd party hosting.

@rfog Please try with our edge version of FreshRSS, which should fix the issue