Spline is not imported correctly
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dsn27 commented
The attached spline is not imported correctly.
In the old Cadability this drawing is imported as a path and looks a lot better:
The reason for this, is this check:
for (int i = 0; i < poles.Length; ++i)
poles[i] = GeoPoint(controlPoints[i]);
//OdGePoint3d ctrlpnt = new OdGePoint3d();
//spline.getControlPointAt(i, ref ctrlpnt);
//GeoPoint dbg = GeoPoint(controlPoints[i]);
if (i > 0 && (poles[i] | poles[i - 1]) < Precision.eps)
{ // doppelte pole sind i.A. knickstellen und am Anfang oder Ende singulär.
// wenn wir hier null liefern, dann wird ein Polygon draus gemacht (cat1.dxf)
return null;
I tried the same thing for the new version:
if (i > 0 && (poles[i] | poles[i - 1]) < Precision.eps)
//How to determine the precision that must be used?
var p2d = spline.ToPolyline2D(spline.ControlPoints.Length + spline.Knots.Length + 1);
return CreatePolyline2D(p2d);
The questions are:
- How to determine the precision (number of knots) that must be used?
- Is Polyline2D always the right type or could it be Polyline3D?
- Is there a different way to import this Spline correctly?
Any comments would be appreciated.