
finder with associated model

sergiomeza opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, i'm trying to display some data from a model that is associated, for example:
$reports = $this->Reports->find('all'); $reports->contain(['Users']);
but the data is not displayed, there is a way i can archieve this?

If you want to set related data in the csv, you'll need to use the _extract variable, like so:

public function export() {
    $posts = $this->Post->find('all');
    $_serialize = 'posts';
    $_header = ['Post ID', 'Title', 'Created'];
    $_extract = ['', 'Post.title', 'Post.created'];

    $this->viewClass = 'CsvView.Csv';
    $this->set(compact('posts', '_serialize', '_header', '_extract'));

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