
Unknown type "upload.file" thrown by Cake\Database\TypeFactory when submiting form

mortinp opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello there!

I am using the cake 4.x branch of the plugin and started to use it.

I am trying to submit a form with an image. I am using this to create the field, which seems good:

$this->Form->control('photo', ['type'=>'file']);

When I submit the form, I am getting an error from Cake\Database\TypeFactory saying:

Unknown type "upload.file"

The error is thrown when TypeFactory is trying to build the columnType and marshal the value.

Because the type "upload.file" does not exist in TypeFactory::$_builtTypes or in TypeFactory::$_types, it throws this error:

throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown type "%s"', $name));

Where $name's vale is: "upload.file".

Not sure how I can make this "upload.file" type work properly. Am I missing some php extension or something?

Thanks for the help!

Found the problem! I wasn't setting the plugin's bootstrap() function to true so that it could map the type "upload.file" to Josegonzalez\Upload\Database\Type\FileType, like this:

$this->addPlugin('Josegonzalez/Upload', ['bootstrap'=>true]);

Now I'm getting the error discussed on issue #535

I am closing this issue now.


Issue #535 definitely looks like an error, since the returned value of $entity->get($field) is ALWAYS a string and not a Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface.

ADmad commented

Running a plugin's bootstrap hook is enabled by default and explicitly enabling it shouldn't be necessary.