
set behaviors config in Method results in emtpy filename

magic-77 opened this issue · 0 comments

i need to set the behaviors config in a Method to avoid that images are missing when Entiy is Duplicated at Products Controller.


public function add($productId)
        $productImage = $this->ProductImages->newEntity();
        if ($this->getRequest()->is('post')) {

            $productImage = $this->ProductImages->addImage($productImage, $this->getRequest()->getData());

            if ($this->ProductImages->save($productImage)) {
                $this->Flash->success(__('The product image has been saved.'));

                return $this->redirect(['controller' => 'product-images', 'action' => 'add', $productImage->product_id]);
            $this->Flash->error(__('The product image could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
        $productImage->product_id = $productId;
        $product = $this->ProductImages->Products->get($productId, ['contain' => ['ProductImages', 'Categories']]);
        $this->set(compact('productImage', 'product'));
        $this->set('_serialize', ['productImage']);


public function initialize(array $config)



        $this->belongsTo('Products', [
            'className' => 'Products',
            'foreignKey' => 'product_id'

public function addImage($productImage, $request)
            'filename' => [
                'path' => 'webroot{DS}uploads{DS}product_images{DS}',
                'nameCallback' => function (array $data, array $settings) {
                    $ext = pathinfo($data['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                    $filename = pathinfo($data['name'], PATHINFO_FILENAME);

                    return $filename . '-' . uniqid() . '.' . $ext;
                'transformer' => function (\Cake\Datasource\RepositoryInterface $table, \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity, $data, $field, $settings) {
                    $filename = pathinfo($data['name'], PATHINFO_FILENAME);
                    $extension = pathinfo($data['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                    $tsTmp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'upload') . '.' . $extension;
                    $smlTmp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'upload') . '.' . $extension;
                    $tsSize = new \Imagine\Image\Box(339, 339);
                    $smlSize = new \Imagine\Image\Box(678, 678);
                    $mode = \Imagine\Image\ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET;
                    $imagine = new \Imagine\Gd\Imagine();
                        ->thumbnail($tsSize, $mode)
                        ->thumbnail($smlSize, $mode)
                    return [
                        $data['tmp_name'] => $data['name'],
                        $tsTmp => 'thumbs' . DS . $filename . '-339.' . $extension,
                        $smlTmp => 'thumbs' . DS . $filename . '-678.' . $extension,
                'keepFilesOnDelete' => false,

        return $this->patchEntity($productImage, $request);

what i'm missing here?