
plugin crash

Closed this issue · 8 comments

i am trying to connect my account with google authentication and it crash every time

Can you attach battlenet logs? They are in:
%programdata%\\Galaxy\logs commonly C:\ProgramData\\Galaxy\logs

ok, I see you've tried many times. But absolutely no sign of crash or any error.

Could you please attach also GalaxyClient.log just after trying to connect

Thanks, I still do not see things related to plugin. Have you try to launch it just before attaching logs as I asked for?

I also crash the plugin when everything is well linked. I received an SMS from Battlenet "For security reasons, your account is locked" due to the multiple reconnections without doubts.

2019-12-23 22:39:18.486 [Error][ (0)] [TID 126844][galaxy_client]: Plugin - pluginID/battlenet_ba170431-0649-482f-863b-d248592f1842 is not responding.

Plugin apparently is stuck on something.

@MonkeyDMax92 can you upload also plugin log just after a crash?

The plugin no longer seems to crash, it has probably stabilized by itself. However, each time you start GOG Galaxy, some plugins are disconnected. The Rockstar and Battlenet plugins require me to login again.