
Have to reconnect after a while

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Plugin is working fine on my main desktop but on my main laptop, it keeps disconnecting.

Keeps losing connection for me too.

Happens all the time. After 30 min - 1 hour, I have to manually reconnect and give my consent regarding permision on the Galaxy 2.0 popup.

Just a quick reminder that this is still hapening. If any log is needed, I can provide it.

The latest version has a fix for storing cookies. Please check if it resolves the problem.

Same here, and after several attempts to reconnect plugin goes completely offline (0.37 too). From the log:

2019-08-26 23:23:54,493 - root - INFO - Handling request: id=16, method=pass_login_credentials, params={'cookies': '****', 'credentials': '****', 'step': ''} 2019-08-26 23:23:56,362 - root - DEBUG - Sending data: {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "16", "error": {"code": 101, "message": "Network error"}}

Blizzard's app authenticates just fine on same PC at the same time. And in browser too. So it all looks like a shadow ban on BNet server side. May be, by User Agent, or something.

Haven't tried on my laptop but on the desktop it works quite fine. The "install" has been replaced by "launch" for Overwatch even.

@PastorGL looks like we think your are offline ("Network error"). It is translated from requests ConnectionError which is raised in few cases in this line and few next:
It is probably too broad for our needs, as Galaxy switches to offline mode. And it may be potentially raised on ClosedPoolError: urllib3/urllib3#951
More investigation is needed.
In case if it repeats please, make another issue.

For the current issue - maybe you're right about BNet ban. I'm working on better error handling.

@BuryTomorrow12 Does 0.37 works for you? I no, please send us logs. Thanks!

Can you check against latest v0.38?

Checked 0.38. Auth seems working and plugin doesn't go offline anymore ๐Ÿ‘

Seems to be working fine with 0.38 ๐Ÿ‘