
Origin games achievement problem

Opened this issue · 4 comments


Some Origin games shows unlocked achievements like locked and hidden (NFS Heat, NFS Payback for example)
Desktop Screenshot 2019 12 03 - 01 07 09 21
Desktop Screenshot 2019 12 03 - 01 09 15 92

Hi, thanks for report.

So are you sure that those achievements are unlocked in origin account you log in to Galaxy?

Help us please by pasting logs like was asked in issue template here:

Yes, im sure this achivements unlocked. This problem appers in Star Wars Battlefront 2, Need for Speed Heat, Need for Speed Payback.
Log is attached

Achievements load failed for 3 games:

2019-12-03 11:21:50,477 - root - ERROR - Game 'OFB-EAST:41420' not found amongst owned
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Pavel\AppData\Local\\Galaxy\plugins\installed\origin_7f53219b-4e2b-4591-9f4f-dfc5f4ba9eb0\", line 144, in get_unlocked_achievements
    achievements_set = context.owned_games[game_id].achievement_set
KeyError: 'OFB-EAST:41420'

EDIT: Achievments are unlocked, so its problem on Galaxy side. Report send