
Finalize replacement of Zend CodeGenerator with Laminas CodeGenerator

beberlei opened this issue · 2 comments

There is still code in the library that triggers class_exists(\Zend\CodeGenerator\ClassGenerator) for an unclear reason, maybe to make the laminas/laminas-zendframework-bridge happy that is transisently loaded via laminas/laminas-eventmanager even though it already uses Laminas use statements everywhere.

This laminas-zendframework-bridge introduces a heavy autoloader as documented here laminas/laminas-zendframework-bridge#83 and this library should make sure to avoid this trap by lobbying this dependency be removed from laminas/laminas-eventmanager laminas/laminas-eventmanager#21 and remove the class_exists calls.

IIRC, the call is here to ensure legacy and new names are class_alias()'ed properly, so that no BC break occurs when the legacy type is used as a type hint.
I too would be really happy to drop this autoloader.
Why does that call block?

I believe this issue can be closed since laminas/laminas-code removed the dependency that leads to the laminas-zendframework-bridge being installed in their 4.4.0 release. This removed the performance bottleneck for us.