
Hide Manufacturer (and Price) from List

Closed this issue ยท 8 comments

amenk commented

It is already possible to select the compared fields, but the manufacturer (Hersteller) can not be hidden.

Would it be in scope to add this functionality?

Or should such a standard field be hidden more globally?

@amenk Yes, I'm thinking about the case by case like manufacturer, description, price...
Or does it make sense to you that I add an option to only show the field when they have different values? meant if the manufacturer of compare products are the same, it will be hidden.

amenk commented

Both would make sense

  1. Option to hide fields with all-same values
  2. Option to hide system values, like manufacturer, description, price

So are you actually planing to implement this? :-)

I am not implementing it right now but I'd be pleased to do that when I get some free time since this is my pet project.
But an MR is always welcomed, just assign the issue to you if you think you need it urgently :)

amenk commented

We don't need it urgently, but in some weeks ... We will probably prioritize some other things, so we are happy if you implement it :-) Otherwise we sure will make a MR then.

I will make sure to inform you in this thread if I manage to complete it as soon as I can :)

Hi @amenk I know this take forever but better late than never right?

As I try to implement it, I decided to go with the option 2

2. Option to hide system values, like manufacturer, description, price

Hide fields that have the same value caused a little performance issue. I guess opt 2 can solve your problem already so I skip option 1 for now.


Could you try to update the plugin to 1.2.0 and give me feedback? Thanks

Feel free to re-open it if you have any issue

amenk commented

Thank you very much, we did not yet have time to test it, yet. But looking at the code, it looks just fine :-)