
Use of ProductGateway instead of ProductGatewayInterface results in invalid argument error on __construct when ProductGateway is decorated

Closed this issue · 2 comments

PHP Version


Shopware Version

Actual behaviour

Invalid argument error like "Argument 1 passed to Frosh\FroshProductCompare\Page\CompareProductPageLoader::__construct() must be an instance of Shopware\Core\Content\Product\Cart\ProductGateway, instance of VioCustomerPrice\Core\Content\Product\Cart\ProductGateway given, called in ..:" when ProductGateway is decorated

Expected behaviour

ProductGateway can be decorated w/out causing invalid argument error

Steps to Reproduce?

Install FroshProductCompare together with e.g. VioCustomerPrice plugin

Hi, thanks for your contribution, it's merged

Thx 😄