
v1.5.13 not compatible with PHP 7.3

Closed this issue · 4 comments

In preparation for changing to PHP 7.4 I tested v1.5.13 with PHP 7.3. Got a white page on the website; the site works with v1.5.11. Has anyone had any similar issues? Also, is v1.5.13 fully compatible with 7.4?

Did you check the error logs? Maybe it is an extension which is missing.

Does 1.5.13 need an extra extension? I didn't need one for 1.5.11. I'll check the logs and get back to you.

The vendor/swiftmailer content was missing. I copied it from 1.5.11, now it works. Thanks!

I copied it from 1.5.11, now it works

@trebitzki I really recommend starting using Composer and link swiftmailer as a composer dependency. It's the best way to move forward with any legacy project.