
PaddType throws `no information found`, but pulp server inferring declaration fine

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PaddType throws `no information found`, but pulp server inferring declaration fine

This is implemented for top level declarations, through the compiler warnings. Quoting the file:

nm <buffer> <silent> <leader>s :<C-U>call PSCIDEapplySuggestion()<CR>
nm <buffer> <silent> <leader>a :<C-U>call PSCIDEaddTypeAnnotation()<CR>

One of these two functions will work if you call them on a compiler warning for a missing type signature.

aha..I didnt know what they do because they are not working for me

its saying

E119: Not enough arguments for function: PSCIDEapplySuggestion
E119: Not enough arguments for function: PSCIDEaddTypeAnnotation

So instead of them I am using this maps

" type annotation
nmap <buffer><silent> <localleader>at :<C-U>PaddType<CR>
" suggestion
nmap <buffer><silent> <localleader>ap :<C-U>Papply<CR>

but they are not working too
In file

module Main where

import Prelude

import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Foldable (sum)

isMultiple :: Int -> Boolean
isMultiple n = mod n 3 == 0 || mod n 5 == 0

answerA min max = sum $ Array.filter isMultiple $ Array.range min max

PaddType says no type information found, and Papply says no suggestions found

but pulp server in other tmux pane inferring types fine

Compiling Main
Warning found:
in module Main
at src/Main.purs line 11, column 1 - line 11, column 67

  No type declaration was provided for the top-level declaration of answerA.
  It is good practice to provide type declarations as a form of documentation.
  The inferred type of answerA was:

    Int -> Int -> Int

in value declaration answerA

See for more information,
or to contribute content related to this warning.

Maybe @coot can help here? I'm not using the VIM plugin currently.

It looks like #99 might be related.

coot commented

I'll take a look somewhere this week, thanks for the report.

@coot would be greatly appreciated

however I have tried to fix it myself and found that this is due to purs ide responds on
{"params": {"currentModule": "Main", "search": "answerA", "filters": [{"filter": "modules", "params": {"modules": ["Prelude", "Data.Array"]}}]}, "command": "type"} with empty {"result":[],"resultType":"success"}


 ~/projects/pulp-test ๎‚ฐ ๎‚  master ๎‚ฐ purs ide client -p 4242
{"command":"rebuild","params": {"file": "/home/bjorn/projects/pulp-test/src/Main.purs"}}
{"result":[{"suggestion":{"replaceRange":{"startLine":11,"endLine":11,"startColumn":1,"endColumn":1},"replacement":"answerA :: Int -> Int -> Int\n\n"},"moduleName":"Main","errorLink":"","errorCode":"MissingTypeDeclaration","message":"  No type declaration was provided for the top-level declaration of answerA.\n  It is good practice to provide type declarations as a form of documentation.\n  The inferred type of answerA was:\n\n    Int -> Int -> Int\n\n\nin value declaration answerA\n","filename":"/home/bjorn/projects/pulp-test/src/Main.purs","position":{"startLine":11,"endLine":11,"startColumn":1,"endColumn":67}}],"resultType":"success"}
 ~/projects/pulp-test ๎‚ฐ ๎‚  master ๎‚ฐ purs ide client -p 4242
{"params": {"currentModule": "Main", "search": "answerA", "filters": [{"filter": "modules", "params": {"modules": ["Prelude", "Data.Array"]}}]}, "command": "type"}

also does someone know why request above without filters is not valid command?

 ~/projects/pulp-test ๎‚ฐ ๎‚  master ๎‚ฐ purs ide client -p 4242
{"params": {"search": "answerA"}, "command": "type"}
{"result":"Error parsing Command.","resultType":"error"}

purs 0.11.6

The filters parameter was not optional before purescript/purescript#3040. Just pass an empty array for now.

The editor plugins don't use the type command to provide the type signatures. They use suggestions on the compilation warnings instead:

The reason it doesn't return a result for "filters": [{"filter": "modules", "params": {"modules": ["Prelude", "Data.Array"]}}]

is because answerA is not defined in Prelude or Data.Array.

The editor plugins don't use the type command to provide the type signatures. They use suggestions on the compilation warnings instead:

I didnt get it, psc-ide-vim sends request with "command": "type" to purs ide on :PaddType, there is something wrong?

I know fix for this issue:
substitute current filter parameters with module name of searched function


 ~/projects/pulp-test ๎‚ฐ ๎‚  master ๎‚ฐ purs ide client -p 4242
{"params": {"search": "answerA", "filters": [{"filter": "modules", "params": {"modules": ["Main"]}}]}, "command": "type"}
{"result":[{"exportedFrom":["Main"],"identifier":"answerA","definedAt":{"start":[11,1],"name":"/home/bjorn/projects/pulp-test/src/Main.purs","end":[11,67]},"expandedType":"Int โ†’ Int โ†’ Int","module":"Main","documentation":null,"type":"Int โ†’ Int โ†’ Int"}],"resultType":"success"}

P.S. currentModule: "Main" has no influence

@BjornMelgaard That's new to me :) I didn't know the VIM plugin does it this way. The compiler already emits suggestions for these, so I figured the plugin could just use those.

currentModule has a different use, in that it allows you to see module-private functions after a successful rebuild. So you'll also want to specify currentModule if you want to give type signatures to private functions.

@kritzcreek yes, plugin does this here

Thanks, very helpful, I'll made fix soon)

@kritzcreek made pr, can someone check

The underlying issue that the current module needs to be added to the filter modules list (i.e. {"modules": ["Main", "Prelude", or the filter needs to be empty ('filters': []) is also affecting Ptype and PSCIDEtype as I have come across in #122 .

I'd therefore suggest to change s:getType instead of PSCIDEaddTypeAnnotation like so:

function! s:getType(ident, filterModules, cb)
  let currentModule = purescript#ide#utils#currentModule()
  if a:filterModules
    let [ident, qualifier] = purescript#ide#utils#splitQualifier(a:ident)
    let imports = purescript#ide#import#listImports(currentModule, qualifier, "")
    let modules = map(copy(imports), {key, val -> val["module"]})
    let filters = [purescript#ide#utils#modulesFilter( add(modules, currentModule) )]
    let filters = []

  call purescript#ide#utils#debug('PSCIDE s:getType currentModule: ' . currentModule, 3)

  call purescript#ide#call(
	\ { 'command': 'type'
	\ , 'params':
	\     { 'search': ident
	\     , 'filters': filters
	\     , 'currentModule': currentModule
	\     }
	\ },
	\  'Failed to get type info for: ' . a:ident,
	\ 0,
	\ {resp -> a:cb(resp)}
	\ )
coot commented

Let me know if this fixed the issue for you.