
Class Not Found

Opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm trying to use this in a small project of mine, but I'm getting
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Frlnc\\Slack\\Http\\CurlInteractor' not found in /path/to/file/calling/new/cur/interactor

I think I may have installed improperly, so for reference, my composer.json is as follows:

  "name" : "teltech/q2a-slackbot",
  "keywords" : ["slack", "Q2A"],
  "license" : "MIT",
  "require" : {
    "php" : ">=5.4.0",
    "frlnc/php-slack" : ">=1.0.0"

Any advice for fixing this?

Not sure if this is going to help or you even need it anymore, but I had a similar issue in a similar project which turned out to be a fault on my part for not knowing how to use composer ^^