
Chartboost show ads problem NO_HOST_ACTIVITY

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Godot version: 3.0.2
Chartboost version:7.1.0

I'm trying to use your chartboost module, but I'm getting NO_HOST_ACTIVITY error when i try to call show_rewarded_video or show_interstitial_ad.
Do you have any idea why? Which Chartboost sdk version did you use to test it?

I did the following steps:

  1. add your module to ${GODOT_ROOT}/modules
  2. put the chartboost sdk into ${GODOT_ROOT}/modules/GodotAds/libs/
  3. add modules="org/godotengine/godot/GDChartboost" into project.godot
  4. initialize:
    var Chartboost = Globals.get_singleton("GDChartboost")
    var _dict = Dictionary()
    _dict["app_id"] = "Your chartboost app id"
    _dict["app_signature"] = "your chartboost signature"
    Chartboost.init(_dict, get_instance_id())
  5. call Chartboost.show_rewarded_video() or Chartboost.show_interstitial_ad()
  • both types of ads were successfully cached

thank you