
Previous Siblings also have to be preserved

FrozenPandaz opened this issue · 1 comments

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Current behavior
Current Previous Siblings will be appended after the preserved element

Expected behavior
The order of siblings should not be disturbed

Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions

<h1>Not preserved</h1>
<h2 ng-preserve-node>Preserved</h2>

Will result in

<h2 ng-preserve-node>Preserved</h2>
<h1>Not preserved</h1>

What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
Hydration Renderer should not disturb DOM structure

Please tell us about your environment:

  • Angular version: 2.0.X

  • Browser: [all | Chrome XX | Firefox XX | IE XX | Safari XX | Mobile Chrome XX | Android X.X Web Browser | iOS XX Safari | iOS XX UIWebView | iOS XX WKWebView ]

  • Language: [all | TypeScript X.X | ES6/7 | ES5]

Fixed as of d64b2eb