
Ruby can't see parser

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Can anyone tell my why gltail can't see this parser?

# Place this file in gltail/lib/gl_tail/parsers/gitlogfu.rb
# Parser which handles the output of following 'git log' command.
# git log --pretty='format:%ct <%an>' --shortstat -z | tr '\n\0' ' \n' | sort -n
class GitLogFuParser < Parser

  def parse(line)
    @yesterday ||= Time.at(0)
    if line =~ /(\d+) <(.*?)>\s+(\d+) files changed, (\d+) insertions..., (\d+) deletions/
      today = Time.at($1.to_i)
      author = $2
      files = $3.to_i
      inserts = $4.to_i
      deletes = $5.to_i

      add_activity(:block => 'insertions', :name => author, :size => inserts) if inserts > 0
      add_activity(:block => 'deletions', :name => author, :size => deletes) if deletes > 0

      add_event(:block => 'insertions', :name => author, :message => today.strftime('%B %d, %Y'), 
                :update_stats => false, :color => [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0]) if today.day != @yesterday.day && today.wday == 0

      @yesterday = today

