
As a Rat I want the ability to register ships to the Fuel Rats ship registry.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Acceptance Criteria

  • A component exists which is displayed by the ratcard, and contains the following details:
    • Ship ID 
    • Ship Name
    • Ship Type
  • The following details about the ship should be editable:
    • Ship Name
    • Ship Type
      • Type should be a dropdown of available ships.
  • When information is being edited, buttons should exist to either save or cancel the changes
    • canceling changes should reset changed values.
    • saved changes should be PUT to the API.
  • A button should exist to delete a ship. This action should come with a confirmation option.
  • A button should exist to create a new ship.


Additional Information

This will likely need a revisit of the rat cards that were originally created. While they were made with this UI in mind, I think we can do bett.er