
As a Rat I want an automatically generated error report which may be easily send to the tech rats.

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Acceptance Criteria

  • A button is displayed on all API Errors which generates an error report from the redux action.
  • This error report MUST:
    • Be uploaded to paste.fuelrats.com
    • Be censored of any sensitive information.
    • Passwords, auth tokens, and emails are the biggest issues. These are in predictable places with predictable keys, however, so it shouldn't be too difficult to catch everything.
  • A method of sending this report should be provided.


We should have an option added to <ApiErrorBox /> which auto-generates error report documents and posts them to {{paste.fuelrats.com}}.

Additional Information

The final method of sending this report is still in flux. just some ideas:

  • Just provide a link to our support email and have the user email the report link to us,
  • Fully generate and submit the report on the server end with a single click.
    • If we do this, the report should be submitted as a helpdesk ticket, and ideally we have a modal open up to have the user submit some basic contact information along with it.