
As a Mobile Visitor I want to be notified that the connection to IRC may be spotty due to how mobile browsers operate.

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Acceptance Criteria

  • When the user visits /i-need-fuel on mobile, a notification should appear warning of spotty connection issues.
    • Additionally, Xbox users should be warned as well
    • The option to call for fuel should still exist regardless.


We are getting an increasing number of clients joining from mobile devices (especially now with the Xbox surge). Many of them end up being bouncy because their device suspends the browser with the IRC webclient. This has already led to failed rescues because the client got frustrated with the spotty communication.

Suggestion: Add a hint to the connection page at https://clients.fuelrats.com:7778/
e.g. "If you are connecting from a mobile device, make sure to keep its screen active so our connection will not be interrupted."
The hint could be selectively shown to mobile users with some CSS, e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/a/42835826

Possible contra: Any extra text for the client to read would delay their preparation in CR cases.

Additional Information

  • Right now, the current userAgent check on /i-need-fuel is rather naive. We should switch to something like ua-parser-js for more in-depth results. This also makes mobile checking easier.
  • UA for Playstation4 Mozilla/5.0 (PlayStation; PlayStation 4/8.52) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0 Safari/605.1.15