
As a Epic Rat with an old legacy certificate I want to have the opportunity to request a new certificate

UncleClapton opened this issue · 0 comments

Acceptance Criteria

  • I want to see a "Epics" tab on the user profile if the user has an epic
  • Contents Epics Tab meets the following criteria
    • I want to see a form that accepts the following fields
      • Rat (Dropdown) (required)
      • Rat's Full name (required)
      • Shipping Address (required)
      • Shipping City (required)
      • Shipping State/Region (required if country has region)
      • Shipping PostCode (required)
      • Shipping Country (required)
      • Submit button
    • When I press the submit button, if all required fields are filled I want the form to be submitted to the epic cert API (
      • TODO: full URL to be determined later)
    • I want to see a text block explaining if I already have a certificate and want a new one, I should contact a quartermaster rat.

Additional Information

Copy for text block:


Object to pass to API is as such:

interface CertBase {
  ratId: string; // Inferred from rat dropdown
  userId: string; // current user ID
  cmdrname: string; // Inferred from rat dropdown
  email: string; // current user email
  address?: string; 
  fullname?: string;
  postcode?: string; // ZIP code
  postname?: string; // City
  region?: string; // state/region
  country?: string;