
Case announcement with the system in all caps is … not ideal

Opened this issue · 2 comments

So since the update to Mecha3 case announcements will contain the client’s system in all caps. That is kind of an issue for me since I use VA/EDDI to announce incoming cases, and all caps names will be spelt out letter by letter. It might also become very annoying should I ever switch from using EDSM (case-insensitive system search) to Spansh (case-sensitive system search) for distance calculations.

My current workaround is converting to lower case first, but that has its own quirks.

So, instead, would it be possible to revert to the old behaviour of keeping the spelling as it is provided by the client? Or, bonus points, fix it for known systems (= in the local db)?

Pretty please :)

(Also no idea if you guys are actually using Github issues, but I figured my chances here would be better than opening a ticket in Jira or poking a random tech in #ratchat.)

Jira / IRC is the mischief's primary point of contact, this form exists largely because i haven;t turned it off manually.

If this feature request is in reference to the currently in-production "mecha3" aka SwiftSqueak you will need to speak with @xlexi .

As for why systems are all-caps within mecha, its actually a strict requirement on the Fuelrats API that all systems are in all-caps and (optionally) numeric. Preserving the input system name would be difficult given the FR API schema, due to this requirement.

As for why systems are all-caps within mecha, its actually a strict requirement on the Fuelrats API that all systems are in all-caps and (optionally) numeric. Preserving the input system name would be difficult given the FR API schema, due to this requirement.

That sucks. Oh well.