
jackdaw.admin#retry-exists? error 'call to static method sleep on java.lang.Thread can't be resolved'

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Reflection warning, jackdaw/admin.clj:98:13 - call to static method sleep on java.lang.Thread can't be resolved (argument types: unknown).

jdk: 21
clojure: 1.11.1
jackdaw: 0.9.4

(defn retry-exists?
  "Returns 'true' if topic exists. Otherwise spins as configured."
  [client topic num-retries wait-ms]
  (cond (topic-exists? client topic)

        (zero? num-retries)

        (do (Thread/sleep wait-ms)
            (recur client topic (dec num-retries) wait-ms))))

maybe add meta , like

(defn retry-exists?
  "Returns `true` if topic exists. Otherwise spins as configured."
  [client topic num-retries ^Long wait-ms] ... )